I was given the opportunity to preview the film Pray: The Story of Patrick Peyton. I had not heard of Fr. Peyton, but I have definitely heard his memorable phrase ‘The Family That Prays Together, Stays Together.’ When I asked my husband to watch it with me, he remembered reading a book about Fr Peyton’s dedication to family prayer (that book was ‘All For You,’ Fr. Peyton’s autobiography.)
The film is very well produced.
It is a documentary about Fr. Peyton’s life, and includes interviews with people who knew him, including the children of a friend and his former secretary. Some parts of Fr. Peyton’s life are dramatized by actors, but they are overlaid with actual audio of Father telling his life story. I was also moved by the footage of Father speaking to crowds of up to 2 million people about the power of family prayer, and the Rosary specifically.
The film moved along at a perfect pace, calling me in to reflect on my own family’s prayer.
In this month of the Rosary, we have recommitted our family to a nightly Rosary. It is not perfect, sometimes both kids are pulling all the books off the shelves, but it is a joy. In other times (namely, sleepless phases with babies), we have committed to just a decade. It takes just a few minutes and truly re-orients our hearts and minds toward Christ.
I highly recommend this movie – you will walk away more convicted of the power of prayer.
Releases Oct 9, check praythefilm.com for theater details!
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