Hi friends. I’m embarking on a series of blog posts. These have been percolating for months,
so while I’d like to say that I’ll have a schedule…it may be months before I say all I want.
The topic is faithfulness to our Church, what that looks like today, and how the traditional Latin
Mass (TLM) and the Novus Ordo (NO) might fit.
I’m not a theologian. I studied engineering and later became a teacher. Now I’m a stay-at-
home-mom and business owner. I’ve gathered resources for you, but nothing I say should be taken as Church teaching.
A little background for context: I grew up Catholic, went to Catholic schools through college. I
started trying to attend Mass more often in high school and in college finally was able to make
Sunday Mass non-negotiable and haven’t looked back. I don’t have some big reversion
moment. I just learned more along the way and slowly fell in love with Jesus.
So, here I am, raising my two boys in the faith, attending our tiny local diocesan parish. The
friends I made when my oldest was tiny happened to homeschool, just like we decided to. We
have a great co-op community and our friend circle includes families who attend the TLM, who
attend Eastern-rite, who prefer one of the local parishes known for reverence and altar rails,
and those who, like me, are active in their local parish.
I am nervous to post these thoughts. I have researched, prayed, discerned, and waited. I truly
believe these posts will be helpful to a lot of Catholics in healing divisions. And yet, I’m a
mediator at heart. I don’t want anyone reading my words to feel judged, or to be offended. I
know that we’re all doing our best to choose Heaven everyday, and to bring our family along
with us.
Please, if these words upset you, know this: 1) I am truly sorry. I mean no offense,
and 2) My email is open to you. I will not respond to angry, reactionary ‘trolls,’ but I do
welcome open dialogue. (Hint: “I can’t believe you…” is not the way to open dialogue)
For today, I just want to give some resources. These have been very helpful in my research.
Reclaiming Vatican II, book by Fr. Blake Britton
The Pope, the Council, and the Mass, book by Likoudis and Whitehead
Way of the Fathers podcast, hosted by Mike Aquilina